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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Natural Dream Living (hereinafter "we" or "our") as data controller, undertakes to guarantee maximum consideration to the protection of users' data (hereinafter also "customers") of our site. Therefore, please read this data protection statement (Privacy Policy) carefully. The Privacy Policy is an integral part of the General Conditions of Use, whose acceptance by the user is premised for the use of our site. This Privacy Policy extends both to personal data collected in the past as well as future ones. The collection of personal data and their processing are aimed at optimizing our site and customer service. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time in accordance with the regulations in force.

The Privacy Policy is in force for our site. For any links to third party websites we cannot guarantee the implementation of this regulation. The same applies to the so-called social plugins, such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+, indicated by the logo of the relevant provider. For example, consider the "Like" icon or the Twitter or Google+ icons. Users are invited to deepen their Privacy Policy directly at the portals of these third parties.

The holder of the data collection is Natural Dream Living Sagl.

We are subject to the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as LPD) and therefore endeavor to protect the privacy of our users and to process their personal data in accordance with the provisions of the LPD. In particular, we work with regard to the processing of personal data to comply with the law, treat personal data in good faith and according to the principle of proportionality, requiring the consent of users where required.
We undertake to process the data only for the purposes indicated at the time of their collection, in particular: use personal data to meet contractual obligations, to understand user behavior and thus improve our site, provide quality service, improve communication with customers (including the targeted sending of advertisements and information) and to develop better relations with users of the site.
For the purposes on statements, user data is collected at various points on the site. This is personal data, ie data and information referring to an identified or identifiable person. For a specific legal definition, please refer to the art. 3 lett. a / c LPD. This personal data includes, in particular, the following information such as login (username and password), IP address, name, surname, address (street, postcode, town and country), telephone number, e-mail address, number company tax, language, intended use. Further data can be collected through log files and the use of cookies (see below).
Data retention takes place in accordance with the provisions of the LPD and is provided for as long as we consider it necessary or appropriate on the basis of the legal provisions, to the extent necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which they were collected. The cancellation of personal data will take place as soon as it will no longer need them and in any case within the maximum retention periods set by law.

We do not provide personal data to third parties, without prejudice to our service providers who are obliged to guarantee data processing in accordance with the provisions of Swiss law, as well as to ensure compliance with technical and organizational measures to ensure protection of personal data.
It also reserves the transmission of personal data in accordance with applicable laws or following judicial or administrative requests by the competent authorities.
Our site uses so-called cookies. A cookie is a small file sent from a web page to the navigator on the occasion of the first visit and that is sent back to the page at each new visit. The site thus recognizes the navigator and consequently the user's computer or its mobile supports. Certain preferences of the latter can be stored and reactivated from the page at each further visit.
Cookies allow us to refine and optimize the offer to our customers by presenting the products corresponding to the fields of interest to them in a targeted manner. The user has the possibility to set up his own search engine, so that before saving a cookie is shown a warning note. The user can also opt for the renunciation of the opportunities offered by the use of personal cookies. However, this option could limit the use of certain services.
Our site records data relating to user accesses (times, IP address, transmitted data volume, browser name used, etc.). This data allows us to optimize the offer of our online site, for example by directing our offers during the hours of greater use, to correct errors and to better manage the server's capabilities.
On the basis of the data collected through the methods described above, especially through cookies and log files, the user authorizes the sending of e-mails and newsletters for information / advertising purposes and may revoke at any time the authorization to send further communications.
In order to ensure the security of the user's personal data and to avoid unauthorized or unlawful processing and to limit the risks of accidental loss or manipulation, dissemination of data or unauthorized access, we have set up appropriate security systems from the technical profile and organizational. Nonetheless, it must be emphasized that data transmission via the Internet, email or other electronic means entails risks that are beyond our control and our responsibility. We therefore urge you to provide the necessary security measures that are updated in accordance with the relevant safety standard on your IT media.
For any questions and requests for correction, blocking or deletion of data, please contact us at the following email address:
As a user of our site, you hereby certify your explicit consent for your data to be collected, stored and used for the purposes indicated above.
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